Wednesday, 9 June 2010

March 2010 Newsletter

Dennington CEVCP School

Newsletter March 2010

Number 2

Dear Parents/Carers

Second hand clothing

Thinking about all the Year 6’s and those who have grown out of their uniform – don’t forget that The Clothes Peg has a selection of uniform that will keep them looking smart until the end of term.

Parent Assembly

We are changing the format of the Parent Assembly this term. Instead of just one class celebrating their work at each parent assembly, we are going to have some children from all classes showing their work each week. So any parent from any class can come each week. It may be a crush but it will improve once we get the hall.


Thank you to all FODS members and parents who worked hard to make the Auction of Promises such a resounding success. £5000 is an amazing amount to raise. I have requested some brochures for the PE equipment to find out costings and then will talk to staff, FODS and the children.

Parents E-Safety Meeting

The internet is a wonderful tool when used correctly; however, used incorrectly it can be a dangerous piece of equipment. Children are becoming the experts when using all the different applications e.g. researching, social chat rooms, and the internet But are they aware of the dangers and are you?

Mrs. Berry, has attended CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection) training on behalf of both schools to find out how we can make our children e-safe while using the internet, mobile phones etc. She is holding a parents meeting on 18th May to help you find out how you can make it safer for your child and what to be aware of. Please do try to come along as this is an important area of your child’s learning, and you may even learn something yourself too.

Parents evening

In past years this terms Parents Evening have been to discuss the annual report for your child. We are trialing a different type of parents evening this term. This term your child’s teacher will discuss your child’s progress in reading, writing and maths, since last September using a computer program which tracks their progress. This will give you the opportunity to discuss progress and how you can help them at home.

Email addresses

Due to the rising costs of stationery and admin costs for printing, naming and distributing school correspondence I want to send all school correspondence by email. As an Eco School we should also be trying to cut down on excessive use of paper and waste. Please email Mrs Acton your email address by 21st May so we can update our records. If you don’t have an email address, please speak to Mrs Acton.